Colored Lighting: Transform Your Home Theater

    As humans, we assign various emotions to different things.  Many of those emotional connections are the result of our own experience but some seem to be almost universal in their meaning.  A perfect example of this is color.  Repeatedly, it has been shown that certain colors seem to elicit an emotional response from a majority of people; a response that is unique for each color.  You can use this to your advantage with home theater.  By employing colored lighting in your home theater, you can effectively influence the emotions of your audience.

Benefits of Colored Home Theater Lighting

    The benefits of colored lighting for your home theater are obvious, with the right information you can nudge your audience's emotions in specific directions.  Knowing that specific emotions are tied to various colors arms you with the ability to do just that.  It is now just a matter of determining how you want people to feel when they enter your home theater and creating the lighting effects that correspond to that emotion.

    Colored lighting can also aid in providing a better viewing environment for your home theater.  Unlike most people who use hash, white lights for their home theater, you have the opportunity to avoid that mistake.  Since the best lighting conditions for watching movies is with dim light and not complete darkness, you can employ indirect lighting techniques and colors to create a better movie-viewing atmosphere.

    Colored home theater lighting also differentiates you from the pack.  Most people don't even consider lighting as part of their home theater, let alone colored lighting.  The lighting you choose will help to create the desired atmosphere for your home theater.  Colored lighting will also give the impression that your home theater set-up is more expensive than it actually is.  People will actually start to use your home theater as a spring board for their own ideas.  Imagine how nice it will be when people are honestly impressed with your home theater and compliment you on the design. 

Choosing Colors for Your Home Theater Lighting

    Below is a chart of various colors and the emotions that usually correspond to them.  Your task is to choose which emotions you would like to conjure in your guests and select that color for your lighting.  Remember, the lighting must be subtle.  You are not trying to make the entire room look green as much as you are trying to add green accents.  The lights must also be strategically placed so that there will not be any reflections on your viewing screen.


Colored Home Theater Lighting: Conclusion

    No matter what colors you choose for your lighting, you will notice the difference.  Your home theater will have an entirely different feel to it.  In fact, you may find that it is difficult to watch movies at someone else's house because there is something "missing".